Pario Resources
Unlocking Your
Organization's Potential
Pario resources are designed to drive organizational transformation and enhance performance. They include books linked to leadership principles, which underpin exceptional outcomes. Pario questionnaires, surveys and development tools include the Type Indicator, which supports coaching and team development, and the work preference questionnaire. This is also an integral element of the leadership course, which is the focus of Part 2 of the book: “Leadership Principles & Purpose” (pub April 2024).
The Pario 360 can be tailored to requirements. It also includes the Assessment Management online process that integrates assessor feedback after each exercise, calculates ratings and creates a draft report ready for the Assessment Conference (washup session). Clients note significant time savings.
The Pario Employee Engagement Survey builds on the team indexing process. Validated factors underpin the design. It can be used across the organisation or support specific team-based reviews. The approach is diagnostic and enhances HR data summarised in Business Intelligence Systems.

Tools for Organizational Transformation
Pario Team Index
The Pario Team Index is your key to assessing motivation and commitment within your organization. This assessment tool is designed to evaluate motivation and commitment within your team, enabling you to harness the full potential of your workforce. These include Leadership Style, Positive Team Ethos, Support for Personal Development, Sense of Purpose, Role Clarity and progress, Work Pressure, and Reward. This diagnostic tool supports development and provides objective comparisons of different role/work groups over time.

Tools for Organizational Transformation
Pario Type Indicator (PTI)
The Pario Type Indicator evaluates personal preferences that influence perception and decision-making. Unlike other questionnaires, it doesn't categorize people but offers insights to support the balanced processing of information. It's a dynamic process that progresses from Sensing to Intuition, and from Feeling to Thinking, fostering effective evaluation and improved communication.
Contact to arrange a pilot study.
Pario Work Preferences
The Pario Work Preferences report explores how you are directing your energy and attention at work. The report supports professional development and discussion related to role requirements. The information also supports competency assessment, leadership coaching, and team-based reviews. A case-study, linked to the questionnaire, is included in Part 2 of Leadership Principles and Purpose.
Contact to arrange a pilot study.